0.4.4 - ci-build

StandardPatientHealthRecordIG - Local Development build (v0.4.4). See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: Apple HealthKit Workout Event Type Code System

Official URL: https://open-health-manager.github.io/standard-patient-health-record-ig/CodeSystem/apple-health-kit-workout-event-type-code-system Version: 0.4.4
Active as of 2023-03-03 Computable Name: AppleHealthKitWorkoutEventTypeCodeSystem

Code System required for defining workout event type ValueSet

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

This code system https://open-health-manager.github.io/standard-patient-health-record-ig/CodeSystem/apple-health-kit-workout-event-type-code-system defines the following codes:

pause A constant indicating that the workout has paused.
resume A constant indicating that the workout has resumed.
motionPaused A constant indicating that the system has automatically paused a workout session.
motionResumed A constant indicating that the system has automatically resumed a workout session.
pauseOrResumeRequest A constant indicating that the user has requested a pause or resume.
lap A constant indicating a lap.
segment A constant indicating a period of time of interest during a workout.
marker A constant indicating a point of interest during a workout session.